Dec Minutes

Called to order: 608pm

Attending: Karl Ayers, Diesha Ayers, Cookie Brubag (Steve), Zach Smith, Rebecca Ferns, Kevin Franklin, Becky and and Luke
-Review old business: see notes from previous meeting
-Pull and Ratify new officers: none
-Check with officers:

-Had practices but no one shows up
-Every other Saturday

-Have nearly completed submission for first registered name of this year.

- Reminder Quarterly reports are due end of January (Doomsday Reports)
-Review by-laws: couple of changes

Shire Motto “Through persistence we prevail” won at 13 votes, old motto 6 votes, Hold fast had 2 votes

Borders:  Outline from Clallam and Jefferson County Zip codes: 98362, 98363, 98382, 98343, 98331, 98324, 98326, 98368, 98376, 98365, 98339, 98325

-Shire website:  Looking into shire paying for Domain payed through a Paypal account. Still need kingdom web administrator to have access to the site.

-Still looking for award names.
-Till looking for Items for Awards (necklace, scroll) and working on award format. Kevin Franklin has one at his house to use as a base tempelate, for Joffre.

-Event steward: (anything we can assist with) Was not at the meeting, will be contacting Maypole steward.
-looking for other Event Stewards
-Rebecca discussed businesses for vendors.
Nordic Traders: checking calender
Snowbird Leather:
Woodwright on 8th in Port Angeles: willing to come to event this year
Frigga Green Needle: Left Message
Weavers and spinners guild: Zach will get ahold of for the arts and sciences events
Becky has a card for a leather, feather worker
Llama's group in Port Angeles
Country Woodwright is more then willing to come.

-Come up with set schedule for practices and activities (i.e. armor, sewing, dancing, cooking, alchemy, and fundraiser workshops)


-Bake sale (Swains 2/9 tentatively scheduled or Farmers Market)Report states period and also non period fundraisers. 


-Volunteers for poster pinners
-Birdhouse sales throughout the month (various locations)

-Maypole May 3-5
         -Luke and Becky want to think about doing a fundraiser breakfast either pancakes or     biscuits and gravy
-Rhody Festival Parade Tentative May 18
-Crash Victorian Day in Port Townsend

-End of month poster pinners
-Brinnon Shrimp Fest
-Demo Fighting and A&S

-4th of July parade Forks (Day)
-4th of July parade Port Angeles (Evening)
-Hot Summer Nights Tentative July 26-28 (will talk to Blake Sand Gravel and Rock to use their location)  (currently trying to get info on site they used to have it at)
-Demo Fighting and A&S

-Joyce Daze Parade August 3
-Demo Fighting Demo and A&S

-Volunteers for poster pinners

-Masquerade Ball/Halloween Party October 12 tentative or 19

-Festival of the Trees November 22-24

-Wooden Toy Sales

February 2020 Feast or Famine Tentatively
-Can anyone meet up to go around and look at site locations. Luke, Zach, Karl all said they could get together, no known date.
-Have a shire social once a month in different cities, possibly have a class during some as well.

January 20 at 2pm for sewing Location TBA
-We can have free announcements on the radio for events and newspapers also.
Concludes at 710pm

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