July Minutes

Refer to previous minutes for old business

Exchequer - No business, checking - 1763.63, savings - 2318.21

Herald - working on stuff for Luke and Karyn

Marshal - Fun Practices

Seneschal - as follows

Parades -  went over very well, next parade is Joyce Days August 4th at 10:30am  at the School (no pets)

Practices -  Beginning to increase in participation

Day Shades - Walmart has for 80.00, we are opting for making period shades

Marshals - good
Archery 9:00, 10:00 Championship
10:30 Light inspection, 11:00 Championship


Masqurade - waiting on return communications

Feast to the Last Drop - Still looking at sites

Maypole Fair XXVIII -  on Fairgrounds Schedule.

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